Strange bit of "reasoning", of course. With that logic one could claim
that inch-pound units are not permissible today because you can't label
quantities using inch-pound only. Bollux!



> In a message dated 2003-07-03 16:17:21 Eastern Daylight Time,
>> For those interested in spin control...
>> Same story also appeared on PRNewsWire, which I suspect has a higher
>> circulation than Canada Newswire.  Screen capture attached.
>> Nat
> "PRNewswire" isn't an Associated Press, isn't a CBC, isn't a BBC.
> It's a method for any corporation or organization to self-publish a
> press release.  Companies use it all the time.  No one determines if
> it is newsworthy or accurate -- you just post it up.  But it gives the
> impression to the uneducated that it's a wire service like AP.  It
> isn't.
> Carleton

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