Right on! I do this type of whining at least once a year to Congress without much success. But at least they hear it. If we all did it once or twice a year they might start paying attention.
Michael Payne
----- Original Message -----
From: John Woelflein
To: U.S. Metric Association
Sent: 04/6/03 14:34:48
Subject: [USMA:25926] Whining, was Re: Re: Systems of Units

Maybe we should begin whining to Congress about the lack of metrication progress on our highways, weather reports, etc.


We got to talking about how things work, and I brought up metrication. He said that the US Congress was set up in a way to make it DIFFICULT to get anything done. The various rules, procedures, etc. make it hard to do anything that has any kind of controversy attached to it -- whether this is something good to do or not -- and he agreed with me that Congress does in fact listen to the whiners, and considers their opinions representative, and not to those who silently agree with something (people are much more likely to complain and disagree than to take the effort to write and say that they DO agree).


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--- Michael Payne
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