A few minutes I saw a news item on TV, about a group of young Americans
visiting the man-made caves in the extreme south of my country. For anyone
from the group who thinks about travelling to the Netherlands in the future,
these caves are very interesting. The Tourist Office in Maastricht should
have information. One of the largest cave systems is just south of
Maastricht in a hill of limestone.  It is always about 10 degrees in these
The Americans' visit was to this cave system. Part of the guides'
explanation in English could be heard. He talked about thick layers of
sediment at one point, that slowly formed the limestone. Then the Dutch
printed sub-text translation stated something about a 100 m thick layer. The
spoken text by the guide trailed somewhat behind. I was hoping that the
guide would do the right thing, that he would not give in to ifp. Would he
say 'the layer is 100 m thick' or would he say '330 ft thick' ? He used the
metric value and it did not look as if the Americans objected to it.

Historian of Dutch Metrication, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

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