For more on 10-10-10, see an upcoming issue if Metric Today.

Paul Trusten
Vice President and
Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association, Inc.

On Jun 7, 2010, at 3:59, Pat Naughtin < > wrote:

On 2010/06/05, at 00:07 , wrote:

The question is....what are we doing THIS YEAR for 2010-10-10?    :)

Dear Brian,

You might like to support the people at by visiting their displays as a metric system expert.

Or more nationally by visiting one of displays mentioned at

One way of doing this is for you, with a friend or as a group from the USMA, to visit the Festival events and to monitor their implementation of The International System of Units (SI), the modern metric system.

A few years ago I remarked on the implementation of SI at a student display at the Royal Society of London where several exhibits had used old pre-metric measuring words. The following year all, I repeat all, were compliant with international units as checked by United Kingdom Metric Association (UKMA) members.


Pat Naughtin
Author of the ebook, Metrication Leaders Guide, that you can obtain from
PO Box 305 Belmont 3216,
Geelong, Australia
Phone: 61 3 5241 2008

Metric system consultant, writer, and speaker, Pat Naughtin, has helped thousands of people and hundreds of companies upgrade to the modern metric system smoothly, quickly, and so economically that they now save thousands each year when buying, processing, or selling for their businesses. Pat provides services and resources for many different trades, crafts, and professions for commercial, industrial and government metrication leaders in Asia, Europe, and in the USA. Pat's clients include the Australian Government, Google, NASA, NIST, and the metric associations of Canada, the UK, and the USA. See for more metrication information, contact Pat at or to get the free 'Metrication matters' newsletter go to: to subscribe.

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