Because of its proximity to Canada, Maine actively uses both metric and 
non-metric units on its highway signs. But the best reason to visit Maine is 
Maine itself.   If you really want to "get away from it all," get a camp on 
Grand Lake, which is an international body of water and, take it from this 
long-time Mainer, it is one of the most peaceful, soothing places to be.  Much 
of Maine is not a tourist trap. It's just plain quiet. The people of Maine are 
some of the finest people on Earth. I visited my old haunt of Aroostook County 
earlier this month, and was delighted to find it virtually unchanged from 30 
years ago.  It's a bear in the winter, but paradise in the summer. Yes, I know 
this sounds like I work for their tourism department, but I don't. This is 
personal, to my listserver friends.

Maie is the only state whose name consists of one syllable.  We keep it simple.


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