Mr. Hector Vera, PhD Candidate
New School For Social Research
New York, NY

Dear Mr. Vera,

I just received my copy of the July-August 2010 issue of Metric Today, the main 
feature of which was your article on the American "Metric Apostle" and library 
pioneer Melvil Dewey (of Dewey Clssification System fame).  Because of your 
article,  I could not leave the area of mail kiosk at my apartment complex!  I 
just stood out there, reading your superbly written and downright exciting 
article, and could not do anything else until I finished reading it.  

I want to thank you so much for expending such a great deal of effort and 
craftsmanship in preparing this piece for USMA. I was not aware of the metric 
connection to Dewey until now, and I suspect other members, to say nothing of 
many Americans, did not know of it either.  It is a a very important tool for 
the U.S. metrication goal because it places the very storehouses of knowledge, 
the libraries, in a decimal measurement context. To think of all the years many 
of us have spent saying, "Dewey Decimal" without knowing that Dewey's quest for 
"decimal" paralleled a quest for "metric!"  Those of us who have been working 
to achieve the goal of U.S. metrication and were unaware of Dewey's role now 
have one more powerful ally.  

Each month, I receive extra copies of Metric Today to give out on a 
complimentary basis.  I look forward to visiting my local library this week to 
leave copies of the issue with the library administration. I am also urging 
USMA members, as well as members of the U.S. measurement standards community 
(NIST and IEEE)  to, if possible, pass on copies of this issue to librarians. 

Thank you again for all of your hard work for USMA. 


Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
Vice President and Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association, Inc.

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