Paul, all sirs:
I had shown & discussed my Pi working as at: 
based on some 'inherent feel' that define this Mathematical constant: *the 
ratio between circumference of the cirle to its diametre - commonly known as 
22/7 or several other values; also defining the value for circular-arc 'RADIAN 
>.....mathematician who becomes obsessed a with a 216-digit number sequence 
>that .....
>.....describes the film as an "intellectual thriller." .....
YES, I have never heard of such a thriller but have been hearing the working of 
Pi to "several million digits". To what purpose, if the INTER-RELATION between 
Pi and Radian are not established! The mathematician must have LOST his 
patience, since I worked upro several hundred digits and then decidedc to have 
it RUN through the computer at Delhi University during 1970's. I first reprted 
this 'to lie between two fractions' in  1974: 
Value of Pi (p) - News Report; The Times of India, New Delhi; 1974 October 25
               [The Absolute Pi or ( p )         Literary: L.6843/74          
19 November 1974]
Vedic Numeral Code; Value for Pi (p) Indian Standards Institution Bulletin, New 
Delhi; V 27 N 10; 1974 October; pp 381
I discovered that value REPEADED all by itself at 5244th digit, and kept 
repeating. This fixed the TWO criterion: Pi Value =100000/31831 in the form a/b 
and also circular-arc Radian =57*2958, to be of use both in mathematics and in 
Number 216 has been of imprtance in ancient astronomy; and I link this with my 
24h x100md x100sd
since 240000x216 =51840000 vipratipala - a smaller unit for time in India/Asia, 
possibly since flourishing period of Indus culture. My recent investigation 
towards the possible Harappa calendar and METRE via the Indus Inch linked to 
this culture. My contribution in Sir Mortimer Wheeler Commemoration Volume 
(1984) also refrs.
THESE are my pointers that Indus civilisation had the knowledge og astronomy 
and Mathematics far excellent to present times. We are, as yet, stuch to the 
spellings for METRE vs METER! Let America prosper and be not get stuck in petty 
arguments '😊'
Brij Bhushan Vij 
Saturday, 2013 March 09H16:68(decimal)EST
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda 
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September, 
April, June, November and December 
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29 
except on years divisible evenly by 4; 
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 -
as long as you remember that 
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and 
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE 
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30 
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30 
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar***** 
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A 
Possible World Calendar, since 1971. 
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK"  Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)


Subject: [USMA:52384] "Pi"
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 10:19:51 -0600

This 1998 film may be of interest.  Pi is the story of mathematician who 
becomes obsessed a with a 216-digit number sequence that also becomes the quest 
of big business and orthodox Judaism.  Although there is nothing about 
measurement systems in movie, I thought it was worth mentioning to those who 
enjoy working with numbers.  The cable listening describes the film as an 
"intellectual thriller." Has any film ever been described that way before? 
Never read such a thing.
  • [USMA:52384] "Pi" Paul Trusten
    • [USMA:52478] Metre, Pi & Radian RE: "Pi&quo... Brij Bhushan Vij

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