Hi Eugene and all:
I can understand you noticing the lack of mention of the need to complete
transition to SI metric. In "Testimony on the Role of Manufacturing" the
issue is ran around. " US has lost production …advanced technology…formally
dominate". "Other countries…investing billions of dollars in "transition
technology" e.g. "metrication" of resistors, capacitors, etc, not spoken!
All the focus is at University level and STEM subjects while ingoring
primary grades before High School and overloading students learning USC and
SI units with many conversions. I think asking the Federal Government to
throw money at hubs while ingoring basic strategy is wasteful.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 11:12 AM, mechtly, eugene a <mech...@illinois.edu>wrote:

> Why is the importance of metrication for the global competition of US
> industries not a part of Penny Pritzker's Testimony?
> Note: The Office of Congressional & Legislative Affairs spells Penny's
> name as "Pritzger" but her name is spelled as "Pritzker" in the heading of
> her Testimony.
> Eugene Mechtly

Edward B.

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