2013 Dec 26
I also think the math test is not useful.  I have been urging 
use of SI metric since before the official name was invented. 
I worked with Louis Sokol as he got USMA started and I can not 
pass the test unless I look up the prefixes.  So,  do not tell 
it to CGPM (or NIST). They set the official sizes and meanings 
but general users decide which to use. 

I have trouble with deci which comes to me in decibel.  
I try not to use centimeter.  It leads to mistakes in US 
manufacturing because we still use inch which is of similar 
size in general life. 

We need to get schools to give up teaching "conversion" and 
comparison.  Go straight to SI metric, no inch-pound units while 
teaching metric.  

Get Congress to act.
                                Robert H. Bushnell

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