Upon perusing the actual article, one finds properly placed apostrophes,
which somehow failed to find their way to this email. 

On 25.2.2016 16:27, Paul Trusten wrote: 

> I suspect that, prior to the Brexit, there has occurred a Brepostrophe. I 
> hope the British press will restore this valuable piece of punctuation to 
> their writing with much deliberate speed.
>> On Feb 24, 2016, at 20:59, "c...@traditio.com" <c...@traditio.com> wrote: 
>> http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/foreign/21-Feb-2016/what-if-the-uncharted-waters-of-brexit
>>  [1] If there is any country more stupid than the U.S., it is Britain! See 
>> the last paragraph. A British exit from the European Union would leave the 
>> country in uncharted territory, no country having ever travelled that road, 
>> which spells freedom to eurosceptics but doom to the pro-Europe camp. As 
>> Britain gears up for a membership referendum, European Commission President 
>> Jean-Claude Juncker insists there is no plan B, while Downing Street 
>> maintains it has made no contingencies. After securing a deal on Britains 
>> special status in the EU at a summit on Friday, Prime Minister David Cameron 
>> said he would campaign for his country to stay in and warned those 
>> clamouring for a divorce that a post-EU future might be far from rosy. We 
>> should be suspicious of those who claim that leaving Europe is some 
>> automatic fast track to some
land of milk and honey, Cameron said, adding that Brexit would be a leap into 
the unknown. A War Game held in London last month attempted to simulate 
post-Brexit negotiations on Britains place in Europe, but even there 
discussions quickly turned toxic. As a first step, Britain and the EU must 
negotiate and conclude an agreement... setting out the arrangements for its 
withdrawal, as required by Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. If no agreement is 
reached after two years, Britain would automatically be ejected from the union, 
unless both parties agreed to an extension. At the heart of discussions will be 
whether Britain remains in the European Economic Area (EEA), like other non-EU 
members Norway and 
 [1] If there is any country more stupid than the U.S., it is Britain! See the 
last paragraph. A British exit from the European Union would leave the country 
in uncharted territory, no country having ever
travelled that road, which spells freedom to eurosceptics but doom to the 
pro-Europe camp. As Britain gears up for a membership referendum, European 
Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker insists there is no plan B, while 
Downing Street maintains it has made no contingencies. After securing a deal on 
Britains special status in the EU at a summit on Friday, Prime Minister David 
Cameron said he would campaign for his country to stay in and warned those 
clamouring for a divorce that a post-EU future might be far from rosy. We 
should be suspicious of those who claim that leaving Europe is some automatic 
fast track to some land of milk and honey, Cameron said, adding that Brexit 
would be a leap into the unknown. A War Game held in London last month 
attempted to simulate post-Brexit negotiations on Britains place in Europe, but 
even there discussions quickly turned toxic. As a first step, Britain and the 
EU must negotiate and conclude an agreement... setting out the arrangements for 
withdrawal, as required by Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. If no agreement is 
reached after two years, Britain would automatically be ejected from the union, 
unless both parties agreed to an extension. At the heart of discussions will be 
whether Britain remains in the European Economic Area (EEA), like other non-EU 
members Norway and Iceland, or whether it quits the single market altogether. 
The City of London, Europes most important financial centre, is hostile to a 
Brexit and its big hitters have already planned for various post-EU scenarios. 
HSBC, Europes biggest bank, has warned that 1,000 jobs could shift from London 
to Paris. According to a study by the think-tank Open Europe, Britains GDP 
would be 2.2 points lower in 2030 if Britain leaves the EU, in its worst-case 
scenario, with a loss of 0.8 percent deemed most likely. Despite Brexits many 
unknowns, the government would likely clamp down on immigrants, starting with 
migrants from Eastern Europe, whom eurosceptics believe
are being lured by Britains welfare system. Parliament would be able to strike 
down EU laws written into British law, which currently state that the welfare 
system must treat workers from other parts of Europe as it does British 
citizens. France would have to decide whether to continue to host British 
border police, or whether it would lift the controls to allow migrants 
currently stranded in Calais to travel on to England through the Eurotunnel. 
Meanwhile, EU citizens already resident in Britain could suddenly find 
themselves treated as any other foreigner, requiring residence and work 
permits. Remaining EU members could respond in kind, leaving Britons on the 
continent in need of visas and permits. In the key areas of security and 
defence, it seems likely that all parties would conclude the need to continue 
cooperating closely on defence and counter-terrorism. But a Brexit could leave 
Britain weakened on the world stage as it loses its role as a gateway to Europe 
for the United
States and China. Both US President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Xi 
Jinping have publicly called for Britain to stay in the EU. Britain could be 
further weakened by the prospect of losing Scotland, whose devolved government 
has signalled it would demand another independence referendum in the event of a 
Brexit. The ruling Scottish National Party (SNP) claims that it is being forced 
out of the EU against its wishes, and believes it would have a stronger chance 
of winning independence than it did in 2014, when Scotland voted by 55 percent 
to 45 percent to remain in the United Kingdom. The consequences would be dire 
for Prime Minster David Cameron, who would go down in history as the man who 
empowered the countrys eurosceptics to drive Britain out of the EU. Political 
commentators are already fantasising about charismatic London mayor Boris 
Johnson, a die-hard eurosceptic, replacing Cameron should the vote go against 
the current prime minister. Another issue that carries
weight, literally, among Britains eurosceptics will also be settled. The 2009 
European regulation imposing the use of the metric system will finally be able 
to be binned, signalling a return to imperial measurements and victory for 
metric martyr campaigners. _______________________________________________ USMA 
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