> > I'm going to second this comment.  I've been on a number of forums, and
> > I've found that it took a lot more commitment to actually go over and
> > check it. 

True... making posting questions and responses that much more
committed/thought out,  I like good answers, like references to places
to look, or an explanation that expands knowledge of everyone involved
other than "go check the man page".

> I know linux/gnu people have used mailing lists for a long time, but
> honestly I don't think it's the best way to communicate.

I agree... just because that's the way it's been done doesn't mean
that thats the best way.

I'd give my vote for a trial forum period.  Say three weeks or so...
questions on the list would be keep here, or could be moved to to
forum and people instructed to check there.    Another idea is to
change the bottom UUG banner on the list and instruct everyone of the
new forum.
 If after the three or so weeks the forum dies and/or it's painfully
obvious that the list is better, we kill the forum and settle back in
to the list.

            _\ | /_
           (@ @)

BYU Unix Users Group 

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