I will be out at Brainshare in mid March 2011 in SLC and would love to come
back to my Alma mater (graduated in 2006 and lurking ever since) and present
on some of the stuff I've been working on at the Federal Reserve Bank.  I
work in a research division located in and we are doing some VERY impressive
things with massively parallel database computing (i.g. we have on  3TB
database with 2 Billion rows that can return a 100GB query in less than 30
seconds.), distributed Linux clustering with Beowulf clusters, and
virtualization of Linux Servers with XEN (and DRBD for live migration
between two nodes).

I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in this type of unsolicited
offer.  If not just tell me to get lost and I'll return to lurking.


   ~ Mark
         Gardner ~
If it were easy everyone would do it.  Hard is what keeps out the riffraff.
BYU Unix Users Group 

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