Yeah ... I think the thermostat had it's little lips stuck together
from lack of exercise ...... or you should rotate the electrical
connection at the sending unit .... or your not smoking the same stuff
now as last year ....

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Motor running hotter????

> snip <
> I have noticed, however, a very slight increase in temperature
> Again, I want to emphasize slight increase, because the temp needle
> just below the halfway mark, as it always does at a steady 45-65
> Because I am extremely attentive to even the slightest change (no
matter how
> small) to any performance aspect of my Vmax, I have taken notice to
> slight increase in temp reading.
> snip <
> After revving the rpms a bit, however, I did
> notice the temp needle go back to the "usual" resting place.
> snip <
> I know, just like a hibernating bear, anything that's been laid up
for a
> while needs a little time to return to its usual form.
> Could it possibly be anything else?
> Darrin

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