A few  things stand out as being odd.
1. The stage 1 K&N kit comes with an extra small washer that MUST be
installed for proper needle/slide operation and also allow for half step
needle changes.
2. FOAM AIR FILTER ? I would replace that with the K&N inbox right off the
bat.That itself could be part of your problem.
3. If the slides are drilled you can't go back to the stock needles.The jets
are interchangable however.

It sounds like you have a combination of things causing your problem.You can
get just the small washers from K&N.Start there and replace the filter.
Check the main jet size.If they are K&N they should be the 165 mains for a
stock bike.The needle position should be 1.5 to 2 max.Most people tend to
set the bike up to rich.Also 2 to 2.5 turns on the low side is normal.
As a last resort you can spend $100 and get the correct stage 1 kit which
will have the right parts and instructions.I noticed no decrease in milage
with the kit and in fact had a slight improvement.Hope this helps.Bob H

Original Message
> Bob H. asked if there was two washers on the needle assembly .But there is
only one.  The bike has a single element foam air filter, air box intact
with the "Y" installed and stock exhaust. The CV slides look to be in good

 1)  Can I replace this jet kit with the original needles & jets?  I fear
the slides might be drilled out.. no evidence of this however.
    2) Do I need  the get the stock jets (holes that the needles go in) or
do the dyno jet kits use the original "needle holes"
    3) if undoing the jet kit is as easy as taking dyno jet parts off and
putting OME parts back on again; Does anyone out there have a set of stock
needles, needle jets (if needed), & main jets
for sale?
4) If I can't go back to stock without buying $400 worth of  CV slides, does
any one have any ideas on how to make my Vmax run like a nice stock max,
with the jets I've got? What am I missing. (besides not knowing what the
Main jets sizes are.) I could sure use 40mpg with that 4 gal. tank !
     Thanks for taking the time to read all of  this!
Spokane Wa.

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