Wouldn't it be possible to set it per partition? All of these allocations
currently come from the ArrayBuffer partition.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 4:26 PM Chris Palmer <pal...@chromium.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 12:59 PM Jeremy Roman <jbro...@chromium.org>
> wrote:
> I'm on the fence about Partition Alloc's 2 GiB limit. We (Chrome Platform
>>> Security) have been lifting memory limits right and left as requirements
>>> dictate, and this may be another case of that. We had hoped to use the
>>> limits as a form of exploit mitigation/bug detection; for example, a single
>>> allocation > 2 GiB was deemed more likely to be the result of int32_t
>>> integer overflow (or exploit in progress) than a serious request for that
>>> much memory. But perhaps that is no longer true, in a modern JavaScript
>>> landscape.
>> Couldn't this be preserved with an allocation flag that permits large
>> allocations or similar, if you feel that this was a valuable protection?
> Would it be possible to not set the flag in some renderer processes? Or
> would we end up needing to enable it essentially everywhere?

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