Hi Sam,
I saw the ad last night and took a look at your web site. Was actually thinking of stoping by the office sometime to drop a resume in case you ever needed overflow work done... I hope your company does well.

On 2/2/06, Sam Hooker <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
...of starting to actually feature the Open Source aspect of what we do
at ClearBearing in our advertising. We think that the average business in
Vermont is ready to start hearing about OSS. Check out our ad on page 18A
of this week's Seven Days (http://www.sevendaysvt.com ) and tell me what
you think: we'll likely be trying to fine-tune this line of marketing as
we go.



sam hooker|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|http://www.noiseplant.com|(802)324-0500

"Someday flowers will grow there, but first you gotta go there, oh:
        you will go to the Moon."

                                Moxy Fruvous
                                        "You Will Go To the Moon"

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