Here's an appeal to the collective sysadmin knowledge on the list.

I've been getting bombarded with spam recently from a particular
source.  (15 of the bloody things during my lunch break alone.)
Hawking a wide range of things, the URLs in each of the spams
look something like this:

Currently my Postfix setup is using greylisting and the RBL.  The spammer is jumping around
various IP addresses faster than can list
them.  The URLs being used change constantly and he's using
an email server that retries messages so greylisting isn't
blocking them.

I've tried adding the RBL to my config.
This RBL blocks entire C blocks of IP addresses since this
spammer appears to be purchasing a C block and working his way
through the entire range as each IP becomes listed.

The problem with is that it's a bit TOO
aggressive and sites like and
are getting caught up in that RBL.

So, any suggestions of other RBLs that aren't quite so aggressive
or does anybody have another method of fighting this particular
brand of SPAM?


René Churchill                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Geek Two                               802-244-7880 x527
Your Source for Local Information

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