Hey gang,

Hopefully one of you have played with this. I'm trying to expand an XFS partition on a raid. I've added the new drives and iscsi correctly recognizes them. The problem is that XFS was chosen as the file system which puts me in a catch-22. GNU parted doesn't support XFS and fdisk doesn't support the GUID partition table that parted writes out.

I can't use xfs_growfs to expand the drive until the partition table has been expanded first. Anybody know of a partition editor for Linux that understands GPT partition tables and XFS?

I can't back up the drive, wipe it and rebuild because I don't have a spare 3TB of disk space kicking around.


René Churchill
VP of Development (i.e. Geek #2)
WherezIt.com - Your source for Local information
r...@wherezit.com <mailto:r...@wherezit.com>
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