Fellow enthusiasts,

I've got a Windows 2003 server that just got updated to SP1 (Don't ask).  SP1 
broke our ability to connect to a SAMBA share on a RHEL server via UNC path 
with the following error:  "No network provider accepted the given network 
path." I disabled encrypt third party SMB as well as disabling digitally 
signing communications on the Win(bl|d)ows server.

Would anyone happen to know what security settings I need to relax on our W2K3 
box to restore our ability to connect to our SAMBA share?  A .5 hour on Google 
didn't produce much else.

Thanks in advance.


Christian Campbell
Systems Engineer

Bruegger's Enterprises Inc.
Desk: 802-652-9270
Cell: 802-734-5023
Fax: 802-660-4034
Email: ccampbell at brueggers dot com

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