Greetings List Lurkers,

I have determined that our Digital Alien Overlords (DAO) do not want
me to see the Aurora Borealis, as every evening here in Vermont is
completely cloud covered...

How can I prepare for the Coronal Mass Ejection that will no doubt
precede the axial precession, turning the earth 30 degrees, making
Antarctica (ne Atlantis :^) an equatorial continent?

The season is spring, and I am now outside rather than tied to my beloved Dell.
Thus, I was most satisfied to get VisualBash "" operational.
What this does is take a proposed help menu and constructs a
VisualBash "FED" framework
within which you concoct the functions necessary to get the job done.
The program currently exists in draft form, a rewrite will arrive with
more May showers.

It has germinated an idea wherein we develop a searchable database of
functions which could
be added to any visualbash FED program, but more on that as time passes...

Using we now have the beginning of the completion of the
Zope2 backup and containerization project.  The first VisualBash to
come out of this "interpreter-interpreter" is a VisualBash script
called Zope System Control ( Beyond interesting interactions
with the root user, this will in time be used for the management of
the Zope2 system that DTG and I virtual-ized last month.  you cannot
imagine how gratifying it is to have finally
made some progress, and it works on the productions web site!
Once MMS (Monday Morning Syndrome) ends - say Tuesday, I will be back
burnishing this to make even more of my life VisualBash script

This question remains; can I use Chat GPT to generate VisualBash scripts?

I particularly want a shell generator that takes the result
and based based upon the contents of the menu generates or queries and
inserts the VisualBash Function slugs.  Note that the Evaluator and
the Dispatcher are now already created by

God and Dave-The-Geek help me...

Now that I have mastered generation of VisualBash, I endeavor to
revise the following script: - The LinuX Container CYCle

This is an attempt to encapsulate the tools you need to perform most
docker based development.   This kind of script is mostly to allow me
to learn and retain my foo in docker development.  I maintain that
this script is necessary as my mastery of the "docker" noun-verb
name-space waxes and wains as time goes on. This unworthy efforts is
up on GitHub as I finished mercilessly editing  The concept
is that the program once properly activated, will prompt you with the
command line prior to executing it, thus allowing
for you to painlessly learn the docker noun-verb name-space.  This is
a work in progress.

...But only after the completion of many Yard Ape duties that have piled up...

Could this methodology empower our adventures into Home Assistant?  I
am not the first person to complain about the difficulty in
provisioning Home Assistant. more about these foolish ideas is available this Monday evening
at 6 PM at the York Library. This all adds up to our centralizing and
convocating at the York Branch Library this evening. That said, come
in person or remotely and bring this and any other problems and
questions and we will
do our thing!

This evening beyond the Library face-2-face & gizmo-2-gizmo, we shall
use to connect.
Come on to at 6PM!  Feel free to click the following
link to join...

This evening beyond the Library face-2-face & gizmo-2-gizmo, we shall
use to connect. Come on to at 6PM!
Feel free to click the following link to join...

Feel free to click the following link to join the meeting:

Let me know if this works for everyone...

Just want to dial in on your phone?

Dial-in: +1.512.402.2718 PIN: 1992759198#

Note that this dial worked with devastating effect from the road...

Click this link to see the dial in phone numbers for this meeting:

Happy Spring!!!

Kindest Regards,

Paul Flint, Director
Barre Open Systems Institute

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