Hi folks, A bit silent during last month, I come back to announce a bundle for Vala 0.18.0 and GTK+ 3.4.2 on Windows.
Download link here :
or here :
http://www.tarnyko.net/dl/vala.htm (A helpful being told me that my formers installers had the bad habit of emptying the PATH variable if it was longer than 1023 characters : http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=comment/307#comment-307. It is now fixed for all installers ; please re-download them just in case.) ----- News for ValaWinPKG users : * The repos for Vala 0.16.0 and 0.18.0 are finally up !
There are some packages regressions :
- FreeGLUT VAPI doesn't seem to work with Vala > 0.12.0. Needs some fixes from its original maintainer ; - Poppler doesn't work anymore, should apparently be updated. Will do this when I have time.
There is a new package :
- LibUSB * If you want to use these new repos, you should really update ValaWinPKG before (http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=node/12). Sorry, but it's the last time it should be necessary. * The new version of ValaWinPKG allows you to have multiple Vala installations and maintain their packages separately. See this tutorial (http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=node/14) for more info.

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