Am 18.05.2016 um 00:52 schrieb Andy Lees:
> Have you done Find->ctags->rebuild tags?

No, did not do that.
So, tried to rebuild the tags now. That worked.

I cloned GNOME/geary, opened
src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala and rebuild the
tags with the above command. Now there is a .tags file in
src/client/conversation-viewer/ , there are none in other directories.

When I move the cursor to Geary.Folder? in the source file which is a
definition in another file and use rigt click 'Navigate to Definition'
sublime comes back with 'Can't find "Folder"'.

I opened src/engine/api/geary-folder.vala and generated a .tags file
there with the above command, but this did not change anything.

I issued a ctags -R -f .tags in the top folder of the project (which
generated one .tags file there) and tried a anjuta-tags -R -f .tags in
the top folder as well. Still getting 'Can't find "Folder"'.

Is there a way to get all required .tags files so that it is possible in
sublime to open any file of the project and get the definition for a
class that is used in the file?

Writing this I used sublime 3 to see if this makes any difference.
Yesterday I had sublime 2 installed.


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