Nope, we have a lot of code already in Vala and we would like to continue
using it, especially due it's tight binding  with GLib world. And our stack
is already large, we rather tend to limit introducing new languages.

Marcin Lewandowski
14.06.2016 3:00 PM "Daogang" <> napisał(a):

> can consider rust lang? i think it is promissing.
> On 2016-06-14 20:41 , Marcin Lewandowski <> Wrote:
> Hello,
> On behalf of RadioKit ( ), I am seeking for a
> senior
> C/Vala programmer for developing multimedia applications for radio
> broadcasting based on GStreamer framework.
> It may be either a contract or longer part-time relationship.
> Requirements:
> - good knowledge of Vala or similar languages (Java/C#)
> - understanding of GStreamer enough to create and control simple, linear
> pipelines and handle their errors
> - understanding of BDD
> - right to work as a contractor for an UK-based company
> - ability to think about all corner cases, paranoid program behavior etc.
> A plus:
> - knowledge of Flux-like programming patterns, e.g. Redux
> If you are interested, please send a mail at , with
> “Vala” in the subject line, describing some of your past experiences with
> the before mentioned technology stack (in any way, can be a link to github,
> portfolio, whatever that shows your capabilities).
> <;
> Marcin Lewandowski / Spiritus Movens
> / +48 731 662 468 <+48%20731%20662%20468>
> RadioKit Ltd
> Craven House, 40-44 Uxbridge Road
> W5 2BS London, United Kingdom
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