Hi everyone !

As you may know, SkyzohKey and I are developing a little tool named poulp. It is like npm, but for Vala. The development is done on Framagit: https://framagit.org/valse/poulp

I have made a first release of the project, to let you test it and help us improving it. To install and try it:

- On Linux distributions using RPM, run `sudo wget https://bintray.com/bat41/rpm/rpm -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-bat41-rpm.repo && sudo yum install poulp` ; - On Debian and Co, use `echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/bat41/deb DISTRIBUTION main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt install poulp` (or something like that, I can't try it)

The binary will only work on 64bits systems. If your are using Arch Linux or any other Linux distribution without RPM or DEB, you can find a compiled version here: https://framagit.org/valse/poulp/builds/6011/artifacts/browse/build/

On other systems, you should build it by yourself.

When poulp is installed, you can start by installing some templates (that will be used later during the project creation or to generate new files) with `sudo poulp install gtk-template` (it will get it from the default repository). Then, to create a new project with poulp, use `poulp init`. Answer the questions, change things in the code if you want, and just run `poulp build`. You'll get a binary file, ready to be run. You can also do `poulp lint` to lint you code with elementary OS guidelines (all the rules are not checked yet). You can also install a library, like Valse (a MVC framework I'm also creating), with `sudo poulp install valse`. And finally, you can create files from templates with `poulp gen`, e.g. to create a GTK window `poulp gen my-window --template window` will create a `my-window.vala` file with the minimal code.

poulp uses a `poulp.json` file that contains all the settings of your project, inspired by npm's `package.json`, but not completely similar. You can try to edit it if you want. :)

Here is a complete `poulp.json` example: https://framagit.org/valse/poulp/blob/master/README.md#complete-manifest And if you want to explore the default repository, to see how it works: https://gitlab.com/Bat41/poulp-repo-test/tree/master/dist

I hope you'll give it a try, because we are waiting for your feedback, to help us improve poulp. But keep in mind that this version is here for testing purpose, not for a real usage, it could contains bugs or be incomplete. If you want to contribute to the code, there is no problem, just come on #poulp on GNOME's IRC. And thank you for your future feedback! ^^

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