On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 11:51 PM, Daniel Brendle <grindh...@skarphed.org> wrote:
You have a point there. To be honest, I am not happy with neither
solution. Some people want to have the docs and just work with it.
Especially if you're new to the topic, I don't think the most welcoming
thing is that you first have to get the toolchain in place to build
valadoc :/ . A better solution would be e.g. hosting an an archive that
contains all books through maybe github or so.

Yours, Grindhold

I'd be willing to bet that anyone looking to read the vala documentation would already have the toolchain in place to build valadoc from source. From a brief search on pkgs.org, it looks like Debian and Arch Linux both already have valadoc packages. I'm surprised Fedora doesn't. But either way, it should be trivial to install a few -dev(el) packages and build valadoc for a vala developer.

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