Thanks to your help I have written sample code that shows the available
fonts in a TreeView widget. You can see it in my wiki, in the Pango

El 25/01/17 a las 15:24, Chris Daley escribió:
> Hi there,
> The list_families method takes an array as an out parameter. You need
> to declare a FontFamily array and then pass it to the method like this:
> // your existing code
> fam: array of FontFamily
> context.list_families(out fam)
> With your existing code, it will return a zero length array. If you
> want to get a list of all of the Font Families available to the
> existing GDK screen, you can replace the line:
> var context = new Pango.Context()
> with
> var context = Gdk.pango_context_get()
> Hope this helps
> Cheers
> Chris D
> 2017-01-25 5:04 GMT+11:00
> <> <
> <>>:
>     Hello, I'm starting to use Genie with Pango + Gtk.
>     I can not extract Pango.Context.list_families into an array of
>     FontFamily
>     My code:
>         uses Gtk
>         uses Pango
>         init
>             Gtk.init (ref args)
>             var TestGtk = new Ventana()
>             TestGtk.show_all()
>             Gtk.main()
>         class Ventana : Window
>             init
>                 title = "Genie + Pango"
>                 set_default_size (250, 100)
>                 set_border_width(8)
>                 window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER
>                 destroy.connect(Gtk.main_quit)
>                 var sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(null, null)
>                 sw.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.ETCHED_IN)
>                 sw.set_policy(PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
>                 var context = new Pango.Context()
>                 // context.list_families    ???
>                 // fam: array of FontFamily  ???
>     Thank you
>     _______________________________________________
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> -- 
> Chris Daley
> Pacific Northwest
> e: <>
> w:
> m: +1-971-703-9251
> s: chebizarro
> tw: chebizarro
> tz: PDT

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