Hi thanks for your answer. I totally confused Resource/Resource_s_ what
was the reason i didnt found the correct API to use.

Works now like a charm! The only bummer, there is no simple Method to
read a resource in as string - have to use a InputStream because
FileUtils doesn't work with resources-uri's.

Thanks anyway

Am Sonntag, den 05.02.2017, 12:28 +0000 schrieb Al Thomas:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Günther Wutz <i...@gunibert.de>
> > Sent: Sunday, 5 February 2017, 11:23
> > Subject: [Vala] Resource API inconsistent
> > if i want to lookup resource data via the glib API, i would
> > normally
> > use g_resources_open_stream. This function call doesn't need a
> > object. 
> The documentation at https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GResource
> .html#g-resource-open-stream gives the function signature as:
> GInputStream *
> g_resource_open_stream (GResource *resource,
>     const char *path,
>     GResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags,
>     GError **error);
> So that looks like it needs a GResource object to me.
> > If its registered beforehand i can use it globally in my
> > application. 
> If you use glib-compile-resources to produce a C file and then
> compile
> the C file into your Vala program the resources are registered
> globally
> as static resources. If you are doing that then you could use:
> https://valadoc.org/gio-2.0/GLib.resources_open_stream.html
> I'm not finding that static function documented anywhere in the GNOME
> documentation.
> The closest I could find is:
> https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GResource.html#GStaticResource
> This says "GStaticResource is an opaque data structure and can only
> be 
> accessed using the following functions", but doesn't list these
> functions.
> This could be an omission. Maybe because the resource uri scheme is
> used by most people.
> For example using a uri of
> "resource:////templates/boot/fstab.mustache" 
> to open the InputStream.
> I've use the static method resources_lookup_data() in Vala/Genie,
> but 
> not tried the resource URI method.
> > In contrast vala needs a Resource object to use this> function,
> > which seems wrong. Am i missing something here?
> The method in Vala matches the g_resource_open_stream
> C API. This needs a GResource object as shown above.
> Al
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