Hello Julian,

I'm afraid something is wrong with one of the last commits. When I run
the regression tests, on some systems all regression tests run fine
and on other systems all regression tests hang.

I can reproduce this issue by running the commands below on an
openSUSE 10.3 x86_64 system:
$ svn co svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk valgrind \
&& cd valgrind \
&& ./autogen.sh \
&& ./configure \
&& make -s \
&& make -s check \
&& ./vg-in-place --tool=none none/tests/selfrun

Output with -v enabled:
$ ./vg-in-place -v --tool=none none/tests/selfrun
==29390== Nulgrind, a binary JIT-compiler.
==29390== Copyright (C) 2002-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Nicholas Nethercote.
==29390== Using LibVEX rev 1809, a library for dynamic binary translation.
==29390== Copyright (C) 2004-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP.
==29390== Using valgrind-3.4.0.SVN, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework.
==29390== Copyright (C) 2000-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
--29390-- Command line
--29390--    none/tests/selfrun
--29390-- Startup, with flags:
--29390--    -v
--29390--    --tool=none
--29390-- Contents of /proc/version:
--29390--   Linux version ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc
version 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)) #1 SMP 2008/02/01 19:36:55 UTC
--29390-- Arch and hwcaps: AMD64, amd64-sse2
--29390-- Page sizes: currently 4096, max supported 4096
--29390-- Valgrind library directory: ./.in_place
--29390-- Reading syms from
/home/bart/software/valgrind/none/tests/selfrun (0x400000)
--29390-- Reading syms from /lib64/ld-2.6.1.so (0x4000000)
--29390--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--29390-- Reading syms from
/home/bart/software/valgrind/none/none-amd64-linux (0x38000000)
--29390--    object doesn't have a dynamic symbol table
--29390-- Reading syms from
--29390-- Reading syms from /lib64/libc-2.6.1.so (0x4C1F000)
--29390--    object doesn't have a symbol table


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