Today 1st July, 2007 was the turn of "Madganvkars" -
Parishioners of Our Lady of Grace Church Margao to
felicitate "Digu Bab" Shri Digamber Kamat on assuming
the onerous office of CM of Goa. 

The poorly attended hour long function (11.20 a.m)
held at Our Lady of Grace Church Hall Margao ---less
than a hundred and fifty persons mostly women and
children (coming after their cathechism classes) were
treated to an impressive Indian costume attired
performance  of a "prayer - candle dance" as the
inaugural item by students of Fatima Convent which
received a thunderous applause for its presentation to

The "flowery speeches" by Mr Nick Colaco and Ms Inez
Cotta Carvalho in praise of achievements of "Digu Bab"
 ---who was seated on the dais with wife Ms Asha Kamat
in tow ----over a) his attaining the stature of being
the longest serving Minister for Power? in the
country, b) the U turn the power sector in Goa  has
made in profitability --earning Rs 150 crores p.a, c) 
the Ana Fonte Spring Garden and d) his accessibility
to the voters did attract some applause from the

It was however the speech of an young seminarian
turned teacher now at a school in Sanvordem and a
parishioner of Margao Mr Elliton J A Fernandes of
Margao who left the CM dumbfounded though he managed a
sarcastic smile.

Mr Fernandes in his impeccable Konkani, in a written
speech congratulated the CM on his assuming office but
the fear of losing his seat and the "political
compulsions' which will decide his tenure - is a
matter of concern he said.  A four term MLA since 1994
"Digu Bab"  would now as an elderly statesman  preside
over the destinies of not only Margao but the
desitinies of fourteen lac odd people located in 3705
sq Kms of the State. Giving a point by point listing
of the demands of Goans.
GARBAGE (KOCHRO) -   is littered all over in this
beautiful state. He cited a case in point in the
capital city near EDC complex -- what impression will
it give those visiting the State?
POWER (viz)Despite receiving 300 MW of power from
Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh by the time it
reaches Goa via Maharashtra and Karnataka we get a
poor quality transmission of only 120 MW- why not we
use our own "Ocean" and "Solar" energy resource?
WATER (UDOK) despite being a rain drained State the
Government announces in May this year a shortfall of
15% supply in availability of water-- but private
tanker operators supply 1000 litres of water at
Rs.300/- is this not confusing?
TOURISM (poryotton) Confederation of Indian Industry
(CII ) has stated that 80% of those employed in the
hospitality industry are non Goans --then why build
hotels that would usurp our land mortgage the lives of
Goans to the nuances of Russian mafia drugs sleaze and
sex he wondered.  Would not the MOPA AIRPORT on
becoming  a reality relieve us of the scourge of
commercially exploited tourism?
EDUCATION (xikxonn)Under the centrally sponsored
"Sarva Sikhsa Abhiyan" this year the school going
students would be given a Rs.1000/- worth dictionary
-- why indulge in this wasteful expenditure when an
OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNERS  dictionary with a CD is
available for Rs.500/-  Why extend the age of
superannuation of teachers to sixty when most feel
bored of teaching at fifty? would it not be worthwhile
to access their suitability every two years and then
retain those suitable? Money for school infrastructure
is not directed towards the genuine requirements of
latrines, benches school boards laboratories computers
etc -- Inspectors of education department are
kow-towed to appease the pliable schools in th
distribution of funds-- would it not be worth to link
it to performance in academics? There is a need to
bring about changes in the medium of instruction in
Konkani and his report needs to be perused he appealed
to the CM.
PLAYWRIGHT'S ACADEMY (Tiatr akademi) "Digu Bab" needs
compliments for coming out with a cultural policy --
Would the Government now look into starting the "tiatr
akademi" as promised and the opening of the Ravindra
Bhavan at Fatorda
EMPLOYMENT (Rozgar) --according to the Indian Labour
Report 2006 there will be around 211 million
unemployed in India and based on 2001 census in Goa
55.4% of unemployment will the CM pay atttention to
this our grave concern.

In his reply to  the  felicitations surprisingly in
English, the CM made it clear that he never aspired
for CM post -- having indulged in confabulations with
the High Command observers he left for Ponda -- late
night he was summoned back to Panaji and he was asked
to shoulder the onerous responsibility.  He assured
the people that he believed in doing justice to
whatever portfolio was entrusted to him.  Be it the
power sector which was in the red -- had turned a new
leaf for all his policies were centred around the
"consumer" as a CM he would now concentrate on "aam
admi" the other CM -- common man-- therefore anything
that would bring cheer on the face of a common would
reflect the success of his government. 

In the power sector while all other states indulged in
privatisation and corporatisation of the power sector
it was only in Goa that it is being run by a
Department of the Government on a profitable basis in
the last 6- 7 years under his stewardship.  He has
always ensured that the staff in the Government
Department are motivated to perform. To cite an
instance a week ago when power supply was suddenly
disrupted for well over 8 hrs he personally visited
the site behind to Carmel College at Nuvem to
supervise the restoration of power supply as two trees
had caused extensive damage to the power distribution
lines-- while people felt it was to sabotage his post
CM tenure.

On his shedding important portfolios of Home Power
Finance he said that it was the wish of the High
Command.  He assured the people of Goa that the
administration would be people friendly within SIX
months (8th December, 2007 )public  oriented
government Departments were to give a detailed report
on the functions attended to by them and Mamlatdars
(Heads of Talukas) have been directed to attend to
public needs within 48 hrs a lethargic bureaucracy
would be a thing of the past.

He retained the Department of Art and Culture so that
schemes formulated would reach the indignant artists.
He spoke of the pathetic conditions of artists who
have turned into paupers while in their sunshine days
they regaled audiences in Goa. The fund constituted
would help every member of the musicians family ( a la
provident fund ).  The cultural policy formulated was
the first of its kind in the country and is
recommended as a model for other states to take note.

It was clear from the tone and tenor of his speech
that the CM was weary of his completing his full term.
 Having shed the important portfolios and now the
appeasement of other MLAs demanding some of the  
lucrative 17 corporations of the Government of Goa the
next week ; the demands of Ms Victoria Fernandes and
the curtailed monsoon session as the Ministers have
yet to come to grips with their portfolios, the
damocles sword hangs on the "puppet CM" who is
controlled by the High Command as stated by his own

Fr Cleto Pereira expressed happiness that  a
parishioner Mr Digamber Kamat had now been catapulted
to the position of CM. A touching reference was made
to the demand of burial ground and beautification of
the open space in front of the Church at Government
cost. A shawl and citation was presented to Mr
Digamber Kamat.

There was no mention of the sensitive demand of
cemetry for the parishioners of Grace Church -- it may
be recalled that this elections a sizeable number of
parishioners either did not caste their vote in favour
of Mr Kamat and instead vote for the Save Goa Front
nominee.  For Mr Kamat was believed to have pandered
to the demands of the Moslem community -- viz
expansion of their existing cemetry atop the hill at
Pajifond while evading the Christian burial ground

Ironically the power supply failed just at the end of
the function and every one laughed at the sarcasm of
tall claims made on the power sector .. One elderly
women complained of fear of high BP the moment the
light bills come -- yes domestic consumers pay an
exhorbitant bill --despite all the talk of
profitability and power failures have never been the
things of the past in the last six seven years.

The Margao  Cultural troupe too regaled the audience
with two skits which had the audience literally
thomping their hands and feet.

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) 

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