On 06/27/2017 02:27 AM, Adam Funk wrote:

Is there any way to create a VirtualBox image from Windows installed
on a laptop without physically removing the hard drive?  Ideally, it
would be something like booting a live CD and putting the image file
on a USB stick or drive.

I've used UNIX/Linux utilities (dd) to make a full disk image after booting
the source machine with a Linux "Rescue" DVD, such as Knoppix or the
rescue option on an openSUSE DVD.  But I've used this cloning method
to transfer Linux installs, not Windows.  I'd be surprised if it works with
Windows since Microsoft ties Windows to cryptographic modules on
the motherboards.  Older Windows versions would sniff around to look
at the hardware environment and would refuse to run if too much changed.

Just last week the need arose to move a Win-10 install to a VirtualBox client
running on the same machine.  I didn't even try it because it looks like
VirtualBox doesn't virtualize the cryptographic module (TPM) on the host

All that being said, if you want to try it I can supply the exact dd syntax
to make an image file.  Loading that image file into a VirtualBox client
is something I've never tried and would be an exercise left for the student...


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