20.07.2017 14:13, Michael Thayer wrote:
> 20.07.2017 12:45, Ian Chapman wrote:
>> On 20/07/17 17:26, Michael Thayer wrote:
>>>> I suspect it's related to an audio fix in 5.1.24 but I'll do some
>>>> testing and post in the forum.
>>> Are you able to do Linux builds yourself?  Bisection on the forums
>>> points to a change which merged a lot of changes from another branch.
>>> If so, perhaps we can provide you with diffs agains the 5.1.22 source to
>>> bisect.
>> I'm happy to to do that to see if we can track down the exact build.
> Could you start then with building 5.1.22 and 5.1.24 yourself to see if
> you still get the problem when you do that?  I think that would make
> sense before starting bisecting.  I will provide a set of patches
> against 5.1.22 that you can bisect if that works.

And here[1] are a series of patches to bisect.  They should all apply
against 5.1.22.  I hope those are not famous last words.  The idea is to
test one then reverse-apply it and apply the next.  Since the changes
should mainly affect a small part of the overall code I hope that
rebuilds after applying new patches will not be too long.  The patches
have revision numbers in their name.  (Do you know the principle of
bisecting, as in always testing the revision in the middle between the
last known-good revision and the first known-bad one?)

[1] https://www.virtualbox.org/download/testcase/vbox-bisect.tar.bz2

Michael Thayer | VirtualBox engineer
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | D-71384 Weinstadt

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