On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Grant McWilliams <

> On Friday 12 September 2008 00:50:44 Grant McWilliams wrote:
>> > On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 10:25 AM, David Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > > I downloaded a couple. Since I never got my own ReactOS install to run
>> on
>> > > vbox, I took that one.
>> > >
>> > > 1. I cannot create a new VM to use this vdi because it is already
>> > > registered.
> I'm not sure what it is that you're doing but just to test I downloaded the
> ReactOS 0.3.3 vdi, installed VirtualBox2, disabled my kvm-intel module,
> created a new machine with other as type and specified the vdi and it fired
> right up.

Virtualbox works just fine. I guess people don't know how it works.

I had no problem downloading and running ReactOS:

1. downloaded the .7z vm,
2. fired VirtualBox 2.0,
3. Clicked on "New machine"
4. Gave it a name (copy/paste from xml file provided)
5.  also set the RAM size (copied from XML file, "145 MB" )
6. Selected on the drop-down OS type "other/unknown"
7. In the "Virtual hard disk" setup screen I clicked on the "Existing"
8. I got a list of vdi files already configured on my virtualbox, I clicked
on "ADD"
9. I maneuvered with the file requester until I found the "ReactOS
0.3.3.b.vdi" file, clicked on it and selected "Open"
10. From the list of known vdi files I highlighted ReactOS 0.3.3.b.vdi, and
clicked in "select"
11. The VM was ready, I ran it and... ReactOS started!

I don't get it how people can still say it doesn't work.

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