On Monday, November 19, 2001, at 10:19 AM, Remo Mattei wrote:

> Hi guys, for some reasons I cannot get my users be auth anymore with 
> sqwebmqail it always tells me invalid user or password. I tried 
> everything, the thing is it use to work and once I try to update 
> vpopmail with shupp patch.2 maildirsize which it used to work too but 
> then I reupdate to patch.2.1 and newer sqwebmail and the sqwebmail 
> stopped working. I tried to go back with vpopmail 5 without patches 
> stable version of sqwebmail but sqwebmail does not allow me in anymore. 
> I can imap and pop fine from the command line but again no sqwebmail. 
> Any suggestions will be welcomed as soon as possible.
> Remo Mattei

When in doubt, I always delete my current sqwebmail binary and 
recompile.  This helps to verify that you're using the new one.  And 
I've made dumb mistakes like changed my compile line to install the 
binary in a new location, and still auth off of the old location.


Bill Shupp

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