thanks for the reply.
i follow ur instructions and generate different encrypted password
values.but that encrypted password is not matched with oldone encrypt by
vpopmail (it is correct or not)tell me about this also,
i try it with this pattern.

$clearpass = 'zafar'
> $crypted = '';
and resulted encrypted passwd paste on the vpasswd file in the respected
domain file.but user login it with the old password i overwrite the
encrypted and clear passwd.but it can't work.
plz tell me which file it use for getting password, and where i change
must,will change confirm.
plz tell me .
thanks for the again reply.
ok wait for ur reply.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Palmreuther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw]passwrod encrypted method

> Hello zafar,
> On Monday, August 26, 2002 at 10:04:27 AM you wrote:
> > i want to know that thing ,that when new user add in through vpopmail in
> > any domain ,what algorithum vpopmail is use to encrypt password
> crypt with MD5
> > and now i want to decrypt it through php.
> Impossible. It's a one way encryption. Decryption is not possible.
> >  plz tell me the encrypted method of vpopmail.
> To encrypt passwords using PHP, e.g. to write them to a database (like if
> you're using vpopmail w/ MySQL and want users to change the password from
> your web site) you can use the following code:
> ,-----= [ adopted from vpopmail-source ] =-----
> <?php
> function randltr() {
>     $retval = 'a';
>     $rand = rand() % 64;
>     if ($rand < 26) $retval = $rand + 'a';
>     if ($rand > 25) $retval = $rand - 26 + 'A';
>     if ($rand > 51) $retval = $rand - 52 + '0';
>     if ($rand == 62) $retval = ';';
>     if ($rand == 63) $retval = '.';
>     return($retval);
> }
> function mkpasswd3(&$clearpass, &$crypted) {
>     srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
>     $salt = '$1$';
>     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) $salt .= randltr();
>     $salt .= '0';
>     $crypted = crypt($clearpass, $salt);
>     if (strlen($crypted) > 0) return(true);
>     return(false);
> }
> ?>
> `-----=
> and call the functions like in this example:
> ,-----= [  ] =-----
> $clearpass = 'testtest'
> $crypted = '';
> if (mkpasswd3($clearpass, $crypted)) printf("%s -> %s\n", $clearpass,
> else echo("Ohoh");
> `-----=
> To figure out if MD5-support is compiled into your PHP execute this code:
> ,-----= [ test for MD5 encryption support ] =-----
> <?php
> printf('CRYPT_MD5: %s%s', CRYPT_MD5, "\n");
> ?>
> `-----=
> >  i install it with clear password option also.
> You won't need to decrypt if clear-password is enabled. The clear password
> then will be already present.
> But you'll have to remember updating encrypted _AND_ clear password if you
> use above PHP functions!!!
> --
> Best regards
> Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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