Well it would be nice if the patch was out there.. I guess I will hold
On my make install till I get more info on what is going to happen with 
Qmailadmin and vqadmin


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Shupp [mailto:hostmaster@;shupp.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail and mysql limits

On Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 03:28  PM, John Johnson wrote:

>  ok to use mysql-limits is there a convert program to convert the
> limits
> I have
> Or do I have to start over with them and reset them.. I guess I will
> also have
> To recompile vqadmin and qmailadmin for this as well?

Qmailadmin and vqadmin do not support the new vlimits functions yet.  
vqadmin has its own code to modify the limits file only (not sql).  
Brian, the author of this patch, does have his own patches for 
qmailadmin I think.  So you really can't do anything with them until 
you have code to use them.  Not sure if Brian is planning to publish 
his qmailadmin patch...



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