
 I am also a Debian user, and I'd recommend you to compile a fresh copy
of vpopmail since debian packages won't give you any freedom to
pre-configure options on your system. Also if vpopmail version is too
old, try the unstable distribution.

  Greetings !

El mar, 22-10-2002 a las 10:10, Zeno Davatz escribió:
> Hi
> I'm a Debian user and installed Vpopmail
> vpopmail-bin 4.9.9-1
> And all the other Debian packages that depend on this version.
> I done vadddomain and vadduser
> When I try to login with my UN and PW my syslog tells me:
> Oct 22 17:54:09 alphonse vpopmail[31832]: vchkpw: password fail
> Also my TOP tells me:
> 28280 root      20   0   792  792   488 R    15.8  0.3   5:49 vchkpw
> 24769 root      20   0   564  564   432 R    15.1  0.2  19:49 clearopensmtp
> 28390 root      20   0   576  576   444 R    15.1  0.2   5:36 clearopensmtp
> 28556 root      20   0   804  804   492 R    15.1  0.3   5:23 vchkpw
> 32047 root      20   0   576  576   444 R    15.1  0.2   1:56 clearopensmtp
> 32107 root      20   0   804  804   492 R    15.1  0.3   1:54 vchkpw
> There goes my CPU power - if I let the server run all night it will
> eventually crash as the processes start doubling themselves.
> 1. Why can't I log in
> 2. Why does clearopensmtp and vchkpw eat all my processing power.
> Thanks for any help and hints.
> Zeno

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