On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 01:54  PM, Rick Macdougall wrote:

Hi All,

Does anyone have IP Domains (ie just user instead of user@domain) and
courier-imap working together with any version of vpopmail and courier-imap?
I think from my testing that it's just plain broken, but I'd like to hear if
any does have it working.

Oh, forgot to mention, using couriertcpd to launch imapdlogin, not using
tcpserver. tcpserver works but it doesn't drop from root to the localuser.
I don't see any ip alias domains support in http://www.inter7.com/vpopmail/preauthvchkpw.c. That's probably why it doesn't work. ; ) You could add it pretty easily... just use vchkpw.c as an example.


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