I am forwarding this to the vpopmail group as I was told that it does not 
apply to the courier-imap group. Any help would be appreciated. 

Good day,
     I just installed Vpopmail 5.2 and Courier-IMAP 1.3.10. When I telnet to 
the imap port to test, all logins (valid or invalid) result in a 
I do not get an error message, just a "Connection closed by foreign host."

Here is what it looks like:
telnet localhost 143
* OK Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2001 Double Precision, Inc.  See 
COPYING for distribution information.
a login user1 test
Connection closed by foreign host.

However, if I specify [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the login it works ok:

* OK Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2001 Double Precision, Inc.  See 
COPYING for distribution information.
a login [EMAIL PROTECTED] test

I have verified that vpopmail uses a default domain by login in to qmail's 

[root@F150 src]# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK <16177.1038256384@F150>
user user1 pass test

I have never had a problem in the past with this. How do I get courier-imap to 
use the default domain for logins without domains entered?

My compile options for vpopmail were:
./configure --enable-roaming-users=y --enable-mysql=y 
--enable-defaultquota=NOQUOTA --enable-default-domain=mydomain.com

My compile options for Courier-IMAP were:
./configure --with-authvchkpw --without-authdaemon --without-authcustom 
--without-authuserdb --without-authpam --without-authldap --without-authpwd 
--without-authshadow --without-authmysql --without-authcram 

Thanks for your help!

  -- Garrett

----- End forwarded message -----

  -- Garrett

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  -- Garrett

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