Hi Jeremy,

On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:40:11 -0500
Jeremy Doolin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having fits getting qmailadmin to authenticate properly.  Here is 
> my setup:
> qmail, vpopmail, autoresponder, ezmlm, apache 2.0, squirrelmail, 
> courier-imap.
> I can authenticate with my virtual user ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) via 
> squirrelmail, sqwebmail, pop3 and IMAP, but not qmailadmin.  I enter 
> "postmaster" for the user account, "domain.com" for the domain name
> and my password and I continue to get "Invalid User".  Any help with
> this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Have a look into system log, maybe vchkpw logs the reason of rejection.
Might be it's only your qmailadmin cgi is not properly set SUID and
therefore refused to authenticate.

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