
Finally I have a mail system up and running perfectly!

But I'm not really sure about what's the (if not safest) so in any case
a very good smtp-relaying verification system?  I have installed qmail
1.03, vpopmail 5.3.12 with MySQL, and currectly I run on pop-before-smtp
for verification.

I've seen more and more systems using smtp-auth and/or SSL for relaying,
is those so much safer than pop-before-smtp so it's worth the effort to

If so, where should I look for more info and/or software to support it?
I really like to be able to run a as clean system as possible, i.e. not
a lot of patches.

And finally, I have lots of questions about the configure options for
vpopmail, it seems like most of them doesn't work, are they not
implemented or am I just using them erroneously?  If someone out there
are familiar with those, please e-mail me for details..

Thank you all!

Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting.
Karlskoga / Sweden.

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