> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> I have an account with about 2 or 3 aliases.
> When I enable the vacation-program which comes with vpopmail
> 5.3.8 and QmailAdmin 1.0.6.
> The vacation works for the main-address, but not for the
> aliases. The aliases are also added the normal way. I guess
> the problem is this:
> /home/vpopmail/domains/domain.com/username/Maildir/
> I have a thought that if I use vdelivermail or forward, it
> would work, but I haven't tested this yet, mostly because the
> style i reffered to is the standard way of creating an
> alias... but then the vacation-message won't show when people
> mail to the alias addresses...
> Has anyone looked into this?

I have the exact same problem and I suspect the same to be responsible. I am
also curious to know if anyone as a better solution than disallowing aliases
and just allow forwards? I had a quite angry customer on the phone
complaining about this :)


Jonas Thomsen,

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