On Thursday, January 16, 2003, at 08:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmmm. OK. Then I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong as authdaemond seems to
"stop working" after a time. I've setup the rc file so that the daemon
only loads the "authvchkpw" module at start time.

When first started, all users can athenticate normally, but after an hour
or so, it seems to start randomly failing on known good uname/pw combos.
Only stopping and starting the daemon fixes this; using the restart
command has no effect.

I'm seeing this problem on two different boxes with identical installs
running RedHat 6.2 and RedHat 7.3. I'm considering doing a third build on
a Solaris box to see if the problem show up there as well.

Can anyone suggest what could cause such a problem and what a fix might

Stopping and restarting the authdaemon once an hour seems like a kluge at
best, particularly for a busy server...
A simple search of the archives will show this has been covered a zillion times on this list. This week even.


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