It will be a good idea to support procmail I still having problems when
bouncing messages.

> I'm about to release a new 5.3.20 devel version.
> Does anyone have any patches they  would like to submit?
> Some differences from the 5.3.19 release
> 1) copies the vlimits.h file into the vpopmail/include directory.
> The  latest qmailadmin devel release needs the vlimits.h file.
> 2) New --enable-rebuild-tcpserver-file option to disable
> rebuilding of that file for sites that use the tcpserver/mysql patch.
> 3) configure did not display the ldap option at the end
> if --enable-ldap=y is used
> 4) new --enable-active-directory option. This is the
> initial active directory module code to let vpopmail
> use active directory as an authentication store.
> 5) new vauth_crypt() api function to encapsulate
> the normal crypt() function. Active directory
> servers requrie an active directory call to do
> authentication. It won't just hand back an encrypted
> password to use with crypt()
> 6) replace pw_comp() function with new vauth_crypt()
> function.
> Thta's about it.
> If no one submits patches by end of day Tuesday, I'll
> release 5.3.20 as is. The plan then is to let Bill
> Shupp finish up some things before we release a
> new 5.4.0 stable version in association with a new
> qmailadmin 1.2.0 release.
> Cheers
> Ken Jones

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