Release Notes:

There are significant changes in here for MySQL and Postgres backends.

If you had problems with Postgres and roaming users, you should
definitely upgrade.

If you've had errors stating "couldn't create table/database because it
already exists" with MySQL, you should definitely upgrade.


fernando (at) telemacro (dot) com (dot) br
- Patch for vpgsql.c fixes bug with Postgres and roaming users
  (POP before SMTP). [895501]

Françoi Wautier
- Fix method used to open database in vauth_open_update of
  vmysql.c. [967994, 946983]

Pit Palme
- Show 'delete' as valid option to vdelivermail in docs. [951245]

- Hide error message during POP3 auth with Postgres. [915485]

Tom Collins
- Fix `vuserinfo -l` output, based on Bill Shupp's patch
  (moved code to a single function call). [961742]

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