On Sep 8, 2004, at 8:43 PM, Rainer Duffner wrote:

Am Do, den 09.09.2004 schrieb Jeremy Kitchen um 0:50:
On Wednesday 08 September 2004 04:44 pm, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

please stop this madness. read the headers of every message sent to you by
the mailing list to figure out how to unsubscribe.

You'd think that people subscribing to a list about a
mailserver-management software would know how to read (let alone find) a

But the last time someone posted the above advice, the person in
question promptly asked how to find the header...

It should be obvious though, unless they use Outhouse or any of its variants.

It scares me to think that these people might actually run a mailserver.
Gives a whole new meaning to the joke about "on the internet, nobody
knows you're a dog", doesn't it ?

Scary indeed.

Perhaps you could implement a filter that directs people wanting subscribe with Outlook-clients to a web-page describing how to view the header in various Outlook-variants. Then, before the subscription is approved, they have to fill out a little multiple choice test....

I think this would be a great idea. The multiple choice test would weed out all people needing support in the first place, so we would have nothing to do :) :P.

Just kidding, but yes, i think it would be good to have like a small entrance exam.

~     Rainer Duffner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]     ~
~           Freising - Munich - Germany           ~
~    Unix - Linux - BSD - OpenSource - Security   ~
~  http://www.ultra-secure.de/~rainer/pubkey.pgp  ~

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