At 16/10/2004 16/10/2004 +0200, you wrote:

I think the problem is, that qmail-smtpd is called by a wrapper program
(stunnel here) and chkuser sends log-messages to stdout when called
directly (logging enabled in this example):

chkuser sends log messages using qmail routines (that should use stderr), but you have to route qmail-smtpd errors to right channels.

My working configuration with stunnel (I had a lot of problems with logging and stunnel, but of different kind) is:

/usr/local/sbin/stunnel -f ..... -- \
qmail-smtpd /vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /usr/bin/true 2>&1 | splogger sslsmtp &

Please note:

        -f forces stunnel to stay in foreground and display error messages normally
        2>&1 | splogger sslsmtp pipes all ERR output to splogger, using sslsmtp as name of the logged service

This should avoid any problem, and you have logging routed to usual log files.




        [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Interazioni di Antonio Nati      [EMAIL PROTECTED]          

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