On Dec 3, 2004, at 2:42 PM, Oden Eriksson wrote:
Thanks Jeremy, but smtp auth isn't the answer I was looking for. I know mr.
sam and some other profilic people in this sphere thinks pop-before-smtp is
dead, is silly and obsolete, but I can say it isn't.

The question still, is how to make this work, not to make me start using smtp

If was really smart I would stop using an utterly dead (not developed since
1998), and unsupported software like qmail is and use _any_ of the others
that is still alive, supported, developed and in much wider use.

I bet that's not something you wanted to hear...

-- Regards // Oden Eriksson

Ohhh, that is music to my ears. Hell, switch to postfix, but please don't come crawling back when you have to use smtp auth as they offer not alternative, or make it hard to use an alternative. Or switch to exim, where smtp auth is almost a necessity, unless off course you can add your IP to the allowed to relay, in which case you need to find out how to do that with vpopmail's relay mechanism and not worry about popping in before sending mail.

Say, should I recommend sendmail as well? :P.


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