On Nov 7, 2006, at 4:51 AM, andrej wrote:
are you sure its not working (adding the mail to spam/ham)? My guess is
that the mail is still in the queue and cannot be delivered because
after running your script its stuck because it has no more instructions
on what to do with it. That should be easy to test by adding a valid
mailbox (of fiddling with the script return code, but thats behind my
qmail knowledge ;). Let me know if it works.

It might be because your script to add it to the spam/ham database doesn't use an exit code that qmail-local understands.

From `man qmail-command`:

command’s exit codes are interpreted as follows: 0 means that the delivery was successful; 99 means that the delivery was successful, but that qmail-local should ignore all further delivery instructions; 100 means that the delivery failed permanently (hard error); 111 means that the delivery failed but should be tried again in a little while
       (soft error).

What do you see in the qmail-send log when a message goes through the process?

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vpopmail - virtual domains for qmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
QmailAdmin - web interface for Vpopmail: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/

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