On 1 Feb 2010, at 0750h, Andy Kurth wrote:

> It looks like there are some configuration details which aren't set regarding 
> your VM and the VM host server it resides on.
> Each VM is assigned to a VM host, and each VM host is assigned a "VM 
> Profile". The error you included indicates that the VM host's profile is not 
> set.  To check this:
> -Click on "Virtual Hosts".  Do you see the host you're using in the list 
> under "Select a Virtual Host"?
> -If yes, select it and click "Configure Host".  What do you see next to "VM 
> Profile"?
> -If no, then your host was not correctly set to the vmhostinuse state and 
> assigned a VM Profile.  This will require some DB manipulation.  I can 
> provide instructions if you send some table dumps (listed later).
> If your VM host appears to correctly have a VM Profile assigned to it, the 
> problem could also be the result of your VM not being assigned to a VM host.  
> To check this:
> -Click on "Virtual Hosts".  Select the host you are using and then click 
> "Configure Host".  Is the VM you are using is assigned to the host?

Thanks!  The above got me further than I was before.  I had not created a 
vmhost by setting the management node  to "vmhostinuse".  The related pieces 
fell into place after that.

Now, while there are fewer errors in the log, the capture is still failing:

2010-02-01 10:51:25|10975|1:7|image|image.pm:process(161)|calling provisioning 
module's capture() subroutine
2010-02-01 10:51:25|10975|1:7|image|vmware.pm:capture(1175)|req=1, res=7: new 
name: vmwarewinxp-base7-v0
2010-02-01 10:51:25|10975|1:7|image|vmware.pm:capture(1176)|req=1, res=7: 
computer_name: vmguest-1
2010-02-01 10:51:25|10975|1:7|image|vmware.pm:capture(1177)|req=1, res=7: 
vmhost_hostname: localvmhost
2010-02-01 10:51:25|10975|1:7|image|vmware.pm:capture(1178)|req=1, res=7: 
vmtype_name: vmwareGSX
2010-02-01 10:51:25|10975|1:7|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing 
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|10975|1:7|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-1 
'chown root currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt' 2>&1

|10975|1:7|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
|10975|1:7|image| 2010-02-01 
10:51:25|10975|1:7|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6252)|attempt 1/3: failed to 
execute SSH command on vmguest-1: chown root currentimage.txt; chmod 777 
currentimage.txt, exit status: 255, SSH exits with the exit status of the 
remote command or with 255 if an error occurred, output:
|10975|1:7|image| ssh output (chown root...): Host key verification failed.
|10975|1:7|image| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|10975|1:7|image| (-1) utils.pm, run_ssh_command (line: 6252)
|10975|1:7|image| (-2) utils.pm, write_currentimage_txt (line: 6500)
|10975|1:7|image| (-3) vmware.pm, capture (line: 1181)
|10975|1:7|image| (-4) image.pm, process (line: 162)
|10975|1:7|image| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|10975|1:7|image| (-6) vcld, main (line: 341)

...Followed by many more ssh-related warnings, ending with the same failure as 

I'm able to ssh to the vm without password from the command line, which 
suggests the ssl keys are where they need to be, doesn't it?  This feels like 
I'm missing just one or two tiny details.  Your continued assistance will be 
gratefully received.


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