On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 11:40:41AM +0200, Patrick Boettcher wrote:
vdr-fbfe is connecting over network to a vdr running on a full machine. No need for streamdev.

This looks interesting. Am I right assuming that the full machine will not need any video output? Can vdr-fbfe be used for editing recordings on the RPi, or is there too much latency when using 10Mb/s Ethernet to connect to an old VDR server? How many remote controller buttons do you typically get mapped via HDMI-CEC?

How about using vdr-fbfe to connect on a vdr instance running on the same RPi machine? Is it technically possible to for example pause a live SD TV stream and copy some files over the Ethernet at the same time? The single USB bus on the RPi would in that case need to handle the traffic of a hard disk adapter as well as the DVB dongle and the built-in Ethernet controller.


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